got myself a lifejournal. loving it. bye blogspot.
ask me, and mayb i'll tell u. or mayb i'll just write it here next time. wahhaha
holidays in 1 month! or mayb 3 weeks since my holidays are on the 22 of nov! so many picturessss. planning to revamp my blog or mayb move it to wordpress or livejournal where i can put up private entriessssss.
oh yea. maxim closed down. so i hope my contract goes down with it!
with my assignments' deadlines all queued up. i'm so stress. bt i feel so lazy. ARGH!!
meanwhile can go to my facebook to see pictures haha.
being in a university is not as easy as i thought it would be. almost every week i have assignments to hand up deadlines to meet. just finished my MINOR essay which is around 2k words. what about the MAJOR essay? sure going to die haha.
luckily frens make me go to school. if not school is so ugly.