
koped from jiae's blog. this is wat we were doing last night.
had a conversation with daph,gena,angie and yp.
we were suppose to discuss when to go watch death note 2 together!!
but me and gena ended up like this...

me: shut up pork!
gena: you leh? cow ah
me: oh nonono you rino!
me: hahahahhaha
gena: you hippo!!
gena: fat and lazy!
me: you elephant!
me: fat and lazy
me: big and slow
me: and grey and dirty
angie: omg~
gena: hippo worse!
gena: live in mud. cannot move around
me: elephant worse! got long nose. so ugly! LOL
gena: hahha at least elephant can help people la! what do hippos do???
me: OH so you admit you're elephant! LOL guess i won *grins*
angie: shhhhh!
the rest: ( cant be bothered)

dear gave me a super big surprise today! he came to my hse at 12 when i was still sleeping like a baby.
he played dota while i pasted crystals on my cam individually!! took dam long bt v nice.
dear did his assignment. quite nice la.

so i tried to do sth lik that cos i tot it was quite easy and it turned out lik this.

colin came to my room, seeing hw nice dear's drawing is, he wanted to try. and he made a total disaster LOL. too bad no pics cos he tore them up!
dear's zi lian picas.

ugllyyy. fuggly

acting cute


better start practicing my piano and packing my room.

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