
to jieyun: ty for the card although it arrived one day after christmas. i oso wished i wasn't the one hu told u those things. but. hais. i oso duno y i did it. it was wrong of him and he helped me many times so, i tot mayb i sld help him. bt by helping him i hurt a good fren. hope you are alright alr. merry christmas partner. wished that those times, laughing and joking in the classroom.

to kitping: haha. it's been a long time since we met la. aiyooo must try to meet up with us. reserve one day for us mah. everyone will compromise to your day one. haha. merry christmas ger!

woke up at 230pm and stayed at home the whole day. wat a rainy day. so cold summore. practiced a lot of piano and packed my room. at least i did sth today and nt waste the day. dear stayed at home too. packing his room. i want songs!!!

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