went for psbacademy's ball
it was a rather last min decision
mother sent me to the airport to meet hafiz
his father den fetched us to thepines =)

saw gen, cheryl, chuimei, stacie and jay
all of them were so gorgeously dressed up!

martin was on our table too, with 4 other guys
the dishes were served
we had bread, salad, creamofmushroom, fish and chocolatecake
the fish is small but nice

gen, cheryl and i
wanted to go out to walk for awhile

when we came back,
funny games were played starting from the guy with the biggest tummy to the guy with the most chest hair
hafiz was nominated for the best dress as he had this very attractive hat
we screamed our hearts out for him =)
the night was still young
so we danced it away
sadly, to indian music
went to the front and let our hairs down
cabbed home with hafiz after everything
and dead on the bed i went