dear dear came to my hse b4 i woke up again! hehe. went to watch death note 2 at tm. saw sock chian when i was crossing the road to take cab there. cos dear dear too lazy. the show wasn't very nice la. bt at least there's an ending. death note produces are smart hor. show half of it in death note 1 so ppl must watch death note 2 to find out the ending! this way they can earn more money!!! after show wanted to go to ikea bt in the end nv. so we went to foodcourt to eat den walk walk walk den go home liao.
dear dear sooo engrosed reading something from times...
no wonder la! games -.-
zi lianing when i walking home. bt wind too strong
nicer bt blurer
koped from jiae's blog. this is wat we were doing last night.
msnhad a conversation with daph,gena,angie and yp.
we were suppose to discuss when to go watch death note 2 together!!
but me and gena ended up like this...
me: shut up pork!
gena: you leh? cow ah
me: oh nonono you rino!
me: hahahahhaha
gena: you hippo!!
gena: fat and lazy!
me: you elephant!
me: fat and lazy
me: big and slow
me: and grey and dirty
angie: omg~
gena: hippo worse!
gena: live in mud. cannot move around
me: elephant worse! got long nose. so ugly! LOL
gena: hahha at least elephant can help people la! what do hippos do???
me: OH so you admit you're elephant! LOL guess i won *grins*
angie: shhhhh!
the rest: ( cant be bothered)
dear gave me a super big surprise today! he came to my hse at 12 when i was still sleeping like a baby.
he played dota while i pasted crystals on my cam individually!! took dam long bt v nice.
dear did his assignment. quite nice la.
so i tried to do sth lik that cos i tot it was quite easy and it turned out lik this.
colin came to my room, seeing hw nice dear's drawing is, he wanted to try. and he made a total disaster LOL. too bad no pics cos he tore them up!
dear's zi lian picas.
ugllyyy. fuggly
acting cute
better start practicing my piano and packing my room.
to jieyun: ty for the card although it arrived one day after christmas. i oso wished i wasn't the one hu told u those things. but. hais. i oso duno y i did it. it was wrong of him and he helped me many times so, i tot mayb i sld help him. bt by helping him i hurt a good fren. hope you are alright alr. merry christmas partner. wished that those times, laughing and joking in the classroom.
to kitping: haha. it's been a long time since we met la. aiyooo must try to meet up with us. reserve one day for us mah. everyone will compromise to your day one. haha. merry christmas ger!
woke up at 230pm and stayed at home the whole day. wat a rainy day. so cold summore. practiced a lot of piano and packed my room. at least i did sth today and nt waste the day. dear stayed at home too. packing his room. i want songs!!!
CHRISTMAS is over!! a few more days to a brand new year!!1
woke up and painted my nails. black and white. dear woke up at 130 so we decided to meet at 4.
went to bugis to shop. couldn't find anything nice. dear bought this black and red shirt. ah beng wannabe. went to simlim to look for my M2 card. actually wanted the 1gb one bt tot 512mb would be better since my father only gave me $50. after searching the cheapest was $93 for 1gb and $50 for 512mb. bt the 512mb no stock. so nv buy.
who knows of anything cheaper?????
dear's been such a "gentlemen" for carrying my bag throughout the whole time we were together.
he's been forced by me la.after bugis went to plaza singapore to catch
curse of the golden flower.
settled dinner at kfc. waited lik almost 20min for the food (including queue). so dabao the food into the cinema.
rated 0/5 for the movie bt when jay chou is inside it's 5/5!!! (
gong li oso makes the difference la)
after the movie walked to heeren bt most of the shops were closed so we headed to cine. bought this top. quite happy as i finally bought something.
in the train saw 2 fat man squeezing this poor man in the middle. and he still can sms. haha
dear didn't want to take photo with me on the train ): this is the outcomes
a super ugly pic taken in the lift.
read this on angie's blog and found it quite interesting.
Your past life diagnosis:
I don't know how you feel about it, but you were female in your last earthly incarnation.You were born somewhere in the territory of modern Thailand around the year 1150. Your profession was that of a teacher, mathematician or geologist.
Your brief psychological profile in your past life:
Inquisitive, inventive, you liked to get to the very bottom of things and to rummage in books.
Talent for drama, natural born actor. The lesson that your last past life brought to your present incarnation:
There is an invisible connection between the material and the spiritual world. Your lesson is to search, find and use this magical bridge.
Do you remember now?
vivo-ing with dear's mother, brother and his gf wasn't too bad after all.
it was food day.
first food republic, coffee at this coffee place and noodles at this place beside kopitiam.
getting fat soon.
woke up today and the conversation started like this.
me:dear wat you doing?
him:sleeping. u?
him:ok. bye
going to vivo with him and his mother ltr.
wat a boring christmas eve.
1 day to CHRISTMAS.
met up with my sec sch frens.
went phins at tm.
shopping at bugis.
phototaking on the train.
went to perform at the birdpark with lps band on the 16th.
hehe. started a new blog again. going to start working on the blogskin nw. deardear came to my hse today. he watch prison break and i practiced piano. tml is christmas eve!!! oh ya we exchanged christmas pressies too.
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